Идиоты в Исландии

“This is not art, it’s vandalism,” said the spokesperson for the landowners of the Geysir area to mbl.is earlier today. Artist Marco Evaristii poured five litres of red fruit dye into the active Strokkur geysir without permission, an act not appreciated artistically by enraged Icelanders.

Source: Uproar as artist dyes geysir pink – mbl.is

Тупое европейское быдло. Залил в гейзир Строхкур пять литров красителя фруктового. “Творец” ….. *вырезано цензурой*. Самое правильное, если владельцы территории (зона Гейзера находится в частной и государственной собственности) выкатили ублюдку счет. Я думаю – пару-тройку миллионов евро будет в самый раз. Он, видите ли, “творит” сразу “в природе”, которая “никому не принадлежит”. Зверски злой я….

“This is not art, it’s van­dal­ism,” said the spokesper­son for the landown­ers of the Geysir area, Garðar Eiríks­son, to mbl.is ear­lier to­day. Artist Marco Evaris­tii poured five litres of red fruit dye into the ac­tive Strokkur geysir with­out per­mis­sion, an act not ap­pre­ci­ated ar­tis­ti­cally by en­raged Ice­landers. Everis­tii has been charged and is cur­rently be­ing in­ter­ro­gated by po­lice.

“I am deeply sorry that a vis­i­tor to our coun­try comes up with such an idea and in this way thank for his visit to Ice­land. I have very few words to de­scribe my dis­gust at these ac­tions,” said Eiríks­son. Evaris­tii turned the erup­tion from the Strokkur geysir pink in pour­ing the red dye into it.

In­ter­viewed by mbl.is be­fore be­ing brought in for in­ter­ro­ga­tion, Evarist­tii says that he’s not a land­scape painter but in­stead, paints di­rectly on the land­scape. Evarist­tii, who ap­par­ently stud­ied at the Royal in­stitue of art in Copen­hagen ex­plains that he makes one na­ture paint­ing per year and that this year, Ice­land was his choice. ” I do what I do be­cause I’m a painter, a land­scape painter who does­n’t use a can­vas, I paint di­rectly on na­ture.” He added that Ice­landers should be proud to see his art­work as noone has seen Ice­landic na­ture in this form be­fore. “I do not ask for per­mis­sion be­cause na­ture be­longs to noone. I be­lieve in free­dom of speech and I be­lieve na­ture does­n’t be­long to cer­tain peo­ple, but to every­one. ” He adds that the food colour­ing he used is not harm­ful in any way to the en­vi­ron­ment.

“I was there at 4.15 this morn­ing and waited for the sun to come up. I per­formed the in­stal­la­tion at 05.25 when noone was there.” Last year, Evaris­tii painted a frozen wa­ter­fall in Nor­way and has been sen­tenced to 15 days in jail for his ac­tions. ” I love mother na­ture. If I love a woman I give her a di­a­mond ring. That’s why I dec­o­rate na­ture, be­cause I love it.”

Eiríks­son be­lieves that Evaris­tii should apol­o­gize for his ac­tions and re­alise how del­i­cate Ice­land’ na­ture is. He adds that the residue from the food colour­ing is all around the geysir in the frozen ground. Eiríks­son adds that Evaris­ti­i’s ac­tions go against laws of na­ture pro­tec­tion. “If he had asked per­mis­sion we would have told him that it’s il­le­gal and that we would never agree to this kind of art per­for­mance. This man is in­cred­i­bly ar­ro­gant and his ac­tions and words re­veal his ig­no­rance.” Eiríks­son adds that the del­i­cate for­ma­tions around the geysir could re­tain the red colour­ing for a long time. ” What’s he go­ing to do next? Colour our wa­ter­falls or rivers? This is not art in my opin­ion, just van­dal­ism.”


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